Mademoiselle Arrianna

“Don’t drive up to San Francisco!” Carla yelled to us from her car.  She had just dropped off her 14 yr old daughter, Arianna, at my studio for a fashion-headshot-let’s-celebrate-being-fourteen photo shoot… and Carla could see how excited we were seated in my convertible with two big smiles on our faces headed for the beach.  Just two girls looking for some good clean fun and fabulous photographs.  What a phenomenally fun job I have…

We had the shoot all planned out, with three distinct looks and locations to capture all the sides of Arianna’s personality. She’s quite a complex and impressive young girl.  She’s well traveled, well educated, speaks three languages, and is remarkably mature yet still so wonderfully silly.   

We started out at the beach, just under two minutes from my studio.  Things began all innocent and sweet….


Then we moved on to a nearby park, to capture Arianna’s fun, energetic, playful side…


Lastly, we beat it back to my studio to capture the mature, beautiful, rebellious, contemplative Arianna… 


This shoot was sooooo much fun, and it’s too bad Carla showed up just in time to pick up Arianna before we got a chance to take off to San Francisco!

