Tag Archive: meola

The 6 creativeLIVE Boudoir Workshop Participants!

I’ve been watching all the wonderful video submissions (56 total!) to attend my creativeLIVE Boudoir Workshop for weeks, and it’s been the most difficult decision trying to narrow you all down to just six. I LOVED all your videos. You all made me laugh and smile, and even get choked up.

You are a creative bunch that will go far, and I just want to thank every single one of you (which I did personally on twitter 🙂 for having the courage to step in front of the camera, take action, take a risk, and put yourself out there. Believe me, I know how hard it was to shoot my video, lol, and I’m so grateful and honored that you all took the time to send me a message about your passion and desires. I truly wish I could have you all there, but dang, the producers at creativeLIVE insisted on an intimate group of six.

So, here they are!…

Nicole Gravatt – Kansas City, KS
Carlo Nicora – London, England
Brandy Medina – Charlotte, NC
Michelle Coppini – Fort Walton Beach, FL
B. Allan Stewart – Melbourne, AR
Jen Mcken – Blairsville, PA

Congratulations! I am so looking forward to seeing you all in Seattle, geeking out together for 3-days (of “Awesomeness!”), and helping you bring your business, creativity, and brand to whole ‘nother level baby!

I hope everyone will join us live online on Feb. 10-12. To grab your ringside seat to the action, enroll now for free.

Lots of love and inspiration,



Featured Interview on LensProToGo

*One note before we launch into the interview — The deadline to submit your video and join me for free in creativeLIVE’S Seattle studio for my sassy Boudoir Workshop is TOMORROW Wed. Jan 18th! So jump in, record your vid, and I can’t wait to meet you!

Now on to the interview!

I was recently interviewed by the incredibly knowledgeable and generous staff at LensProtoGo.com and their readers. They asked smart questions that are on lots of newbie boudie photogs’ minds. So I think you’ll relate, and I hope you enjoy!…

LensProToGo: For those who don’t know you, can you explain what type of photography you do?
Christa: Sure! I specialize in photographing women. I love to make women feel confident and beautiful, and I incorporate fine art nudes, fashion and portraiture into my private commissions.

How did you start doing boudoir photography?
A few years ago, a friend of a friend was getting married, and she wanted to shock her fiance with sexy photographs of herself as his wedding gift. She is a self-described plain jane and told me she lives in sweat pants and no make-up and this is something he would NEVER expect from her. She said she knew I was a portrait photographer and that she felt really comfortable with me, so asked if I would do it. Of course I said heck yes! I love saying yes to new creative opportunities and challenges.

I, personally, don’t feel boudoir photography is something any photographer can just ‘do’. In one sentence describe yourself and why you you belong in boudoir photography.  
First, I feel that any photographer who feels drawn to photographing women, appreciates the value of it, and has a compelling reason why they want to do it, can do so. Now, to describe myself in one sentence is difficult for me 🙂 so, I’ll just say that one of my talents is creating intimacy quickly.

I find you can make any woman feel sexy and great about themselves without focusing on their ‘shape’. What do you like the photos to show in the end?
My goal is to capture the distinct spirit and personality of each woman, including all the glorious qualities she loves about herself (such as playfulness, bold, elegant, etc) and what she loves about her body (such as her fabulous smile, curvy hips, or the small of her back). I also like to incorporate the qualities which the woman aspires towards. That’s the ultimate success of a shoot – getting to redefine yourself as you wish with your photographer’s help.

Who do you find to be your most common client?
My most common client is also my Ideal Client, who I’ve intentionally focused on attracting. Soccer Mom’s, 40+, who’ve just had a recent transition – either breast cancer survivor, huge weight loss, about to get pregnant again, 10th anniversary, divorce, new partner, etc. Those are my ladies that I love to serve and I find the most fulfilling. Make this client feel confident and look beautiful from doing a shoot with you, and there’s no finer reward.

How do you get your clients to feel ‘comfortable’ with not only you but the shoot in general?
Comfort is over-rated. The more nervous you are the better is what I tell them. Going out of your comfort zone is thrilling and part of this experience. It feels freaking amazing once you’ve push past your fear – that’s when you feel the true reward. So I like when my client is nervous, which most are, and I tell them why. Also, I do a lot of prep work and planning before the shoot. I get specific and ask exactly what degree of nudity/modesty we’ll be capturing. I ask what they love about their bodies. I let them know what to expect. I keep in touch the weeks leading up to their shoot with a few points of personal contact via phone or text. I make sure to have about 1.5 hours of make-up and hair styling time before the shoot, so she has this transition time to get pampered and relax. It also gives me the opportunity to start shooting while she’s in the make-up chair so she’s already comfortable with being half-naked in the room with me shooting. Then, before she’s even completely done in Hair/Mk-up, I pull her out of the chair for a “make-up or light test” and we’re shooting without her realizing the session has begun. That’s important – you don’t want your client to feel like there’s a drum roll going on while you’re dusting off your camera and she’s taking her robe off to “begin” the session. I keep her moving before she knows what’s happening or has time to get self-concious. Lastly, keep your demeanor professional yet playful on the shoot. Demo every action or pose yourself first that you’d like her to do, so she doesn’t feel silly compared to how silly you just looked doing it 🙂 Be respectful of boundaries and always give Constant Never-ending Positive Feedback: everything works “GREAT!”

Sometimes boudoir can be ‘taboo’ for people. How do you deal with those critiques?
I’m not sure what’s actually “taboo” about it, and thankfully only people open to it approach me.

What has been your biggest challenge in this field of photography?
Redefining the term “boudoir” which, in America, has an unfortunate and outdated connotation.

What has been your greatest success in the field? Personal or business.
Every client who is moved to tears by my pictures. Every client who walks taller because of my pictures.

What type of gear do you use while shooting?
The old Canon 5D, 85 1.2, 50 1.2, 24-70 2.8, and for studio: one strobe with soft box and grey seamless background paper.

Is there a piece of gear that you ‘couldn’t live without’?
Nope. I think an essential and thrilling aspect of creation is working within limitations, so give me anything to shoot with and I’m happy.

You are teaching workshops now…online and live. What is the most important thing you want to get across to the participants during a workshop?
It’s easier than they think and to stay focused on developing their own unique personal vision.

What has inspired you the most during your journey as a photographer?
Oooh, that’s another difficult question to pin down to one answer. There are thousands of things that have inspired me along this journey. Mostly, I think it was my love of fine art (drawing, painting and sculpture) that I was exposed to at a very young age.

Any funny happenings or good stories from a shoot?
Every shoot is a good story.

Do you suggest renting gear and why if so?
Heck yeah! Gear is expensive, and why lay out money that is likely better spent elsewhere to get your business off the ground? I rented those prime lenses for a very long time before I bought them just for that reason, as well as to make sure I really loved them and used them a lot during a shoot. Also, renting allows you to experiment, which I’m a huge fan of in order to continue to grow, be creative and find what’s right for you.

What is your go to lighting set up for Boudoir?
My absolute favorite lighting set up is natural light. I work my butt off to make the available natural light work, and 90% of the time it does. I love genuine, natural, unmanipulated circumstances, so working with natural light plays into that. Sometimes, I have to bump up my ISO to 1600+, or use a reflector, and/or do a bit of dodging/burning in post, and I’m totally okay with that. My style is natural, and a big part of that is making available light work for me.

When you first started shooting boudoir, how did you break the ice…how did YOU get comfortable with your clients? You can’t expect Clients to be comfortable if you’re stumbling over your own words!
Such a great question and you’re absolutely right! Your clients will not feel comfortable with you and what you are asking them to do, unless you are comfortable with yourself, your sensuality, and why you’re photographing women in the first place. If you’re not able to talk freely with your clients about showing “nipple” or other grey areas of nudity, then you may want to consider another profession. You can’t have any hang-up’s about sexuality, nudity, or self-expression and do an awesome job as a boudoir photographer.

What do you feel are the necessary items to have in my “props” collection?
Ooooh, I love this question! I love props and highly recommend that you bring some items to set with you to ensure a fun, smooth and profitable shoot. First, black panties. You’d be surprised how many times a client is bummed because she forgot her black panties. They go with everything and are a safe universally appealing wardrobe option. I buy one size fits all “hanky-panky” brand thongs. They are given as a gift to the client if she wears them 🙂 Second, really high heels in size 7 or 8. Again, sometimes you’d be surprised what women forget to bring and are bummed to be without. Sizes 7 or 8 fit most. Other wardrobe staples that work on everyone are: Men’s white button down shirt, silk robe, fishnet thigh highs, a bunch of different gloves, hats, and jewelry. As far as fun props go: I LOVE masks and have a variety of those. Everyone loves the masks and it’s so much fun to see how different people act with the masks on. I also have nipple tassels, temporary tattoos, and a bunch of other fun stuff like that. I also have little note cards that have different sayings on them like “I’m not wearing any underwear,” and “Shut up and take off your clothes.” Props are awesome to loosen up a nervous client because the focus will shift from being on themselves to “hiding behind” a prop. It’s also a super simple and quick way to add variety to your shoot, which boosts sales. I’m always on the lookout for awesome props, and I think it’s great when a certain item becomes your signature, as I think the masks and signs have become for me.

If you could suggest one thing to up and coming photographers, what would it be?
Know why you do what you do, not just what and how. Read Simon Sinek’s book “Start with Why.” Always look inward first for the answer to any question or issue that comes up. I think nowadays, since there is so much information available to us, it sometimes creates a habit of looking to others for answers to questions that are best answered internally. Go with your heart, and you’ll never go wrong. Play. Experiment. Keep it simple. Shoot for emotion not technical perfection. That will come in time. Ask yourself what’s your point of view on what you see and work on capturing that. It’s called Vision, and it’s the most important thing for you to have or strive towards.

You’re invited to a FREE workshop on creativeLIVE!

I was beyond jumping up and down excited when the awesome crew at creativeLIVE called me a couple months ago to ask if I’d host their first and only BOUDOIR WORKSHOP! Sitting on this awesome news since then has been torture, and now I’m thrilled to finally share it with you!

Now, in case you’re not already familiar with the company, creativeLIVE is the brainchild of Chase Jarvis, bad ass commercial photographer,  and provides the best creative education on the web – for FREE – and is broadcast LIVE, available for anyone around the world to watch in realtime. Isn’t that crazy awesome? You get a ringside seat to all the action on Feb 10th, 11th & 12th – LIVE from their studio in Seattle, where I’ll be shooting/teaching/hosting a very sassy and sexy BOUDOIR WORKSHOP!

To learn more, CLICK PLAY on the video above.

I would so appreciate your help in making this event even more awesome, in two ways:

1. In the Comments below, tell me what you’d LOVE to learn or see during this workshop.

2. Join me in Seattle! CLICK PLAY to learn more about this unique and totally cool opportunity for 6 photographers to join me for free in the studio and be an integral part of this workshop. I want to see entries from ALL LEVELS and types of photographers (total newbies and seasoned pro’s, digital/film, men/women, canon/nikon) I look forward to seeing all your videos!

Thanks so much to YOU, my awesome blog readers, who bombarded creativeLIVE with requests to see me teach there. I am so honored, grateful and humbled – and I’m freaking psyched to provide a super fun, sexy and smart workshop for you come February.

Lots of love,


ps. make sure to ENROLL FOR FREE right now on the course page so you don’t miss out.


Happy New Year!

Happy 2012 everyone! Hope you all had a blast ringing in the new year last night in whatever way you chose to celebrate. It was my first new year’s eve in NYC, and it was the most memorable one ever. I accompanied a photographer friend to the absolute BEST, most fun, out of control, off the hook, luxury uptown hotel wedding, and indulged in dance, lobster, wedding cake, cocktails, interesting characters, and new friends til it was well into morning and light outside.

And now, onto 2012!

Wishing you lots of amazing moments in the new year!


My Fav Pic of the Year, plus FAQs

Shot during Aperitivo hour at The Savoy hotel in Florence this summer by my lovely friend Claire Mallett using her old Rolliflex. Although I’m usually attracted to joyful pictures that are full of joie de vivre such as the one above, I keep coming back to the pic below as my favorite this year. It’s not often I sit for a portrait, and it’s just so nice to have someone say, “I want to take your picture.” It’s so much a part of what I love about what I do.

The shot below perfectly captures my life, my mood, and my thoughts at this point in my life, and just me being me. It was the end of summer, so I’m hot, I’m sweaty, and I’m showing how much I loved cheese and wine during my stay in Florence. This was my last day in town, and I sat here knowing that the sweet life of Italy was coming to a close, at that point having made the decision to move to NYC. I will always treasure this time in my life as so uniquely special and wonderful and important.

To all photographers: remember WHY you do what you do and the priceless value that you provide to others. We’re not providing images. We’re helping to create the way someone remembers their life – the catalyst to treasured memories of a life well-lived – as well as self-discovery, self-expression, an experience, and most of all: emotion. When I look at this picture, I feel the emotions of that bittersweet moment- torn between the sadness of leaving Italy and the absolute joy, excitement, wonder and curiosity for what lies ahead!

To answer last-minute Q’s I’ve received over the past few days, here are the Top FAQs.

1. I have something scheduled during the next few weeks. Do I have to be available at certain times, and will I miss anything?
You won’t miss a thing. I built this boudoir workshop for busy bees like me, and so the content is available 24/7 baby! Plus all the juicy content will be online and available to you for 8 weeks. Plenty of time for you to watch/listen/learn at your own convenience. How cool is that.

2. I have no experience. I’m a total beginner. Is this the right course for me?
Hell yeah! Talk about perfect timing. This course will short cut your learning curve and get you started with smart habits and powerful tips in a super fun way that will set you up for success with my very simple, totally easy, and budget-friendly approach. No experience necessary. We already have a bunch of beginners in attendance. Sign-up, and you will thank yourself!

3. I’m already a pro. Is this too basic for me?
Awesome! Well let me ask you: are your sales where you want them to be right now? are you creatively juiced and completely inspired? do you want to spend less time in post? do you have raving fan clients that spread the word about you like wild fire? are you having FUN with your business? if you can’t answer a whole-hearted HELL YES! to any of these q’s, then sign up baby! We’re going to bring your creativity and success to the next level!

4. Do I need any equipment?
No fancy lighting or camera equipment needed. You will need access to a computer and the internet obviously, but I highly recommend that you enjoy the entire course before thinking of purchasing any sort of new camera equipment. I’ll be demo’ing a bare bones simple approach as well as my favorite equipment, so you’ll get to see a bunch of gear in action and make a more informed decision about what you’d love to use (or not use).

5. I’m a male photographer and I see a lot of women comment on your webpage. Please be honest and tell me about the relative success/appropriateness of men vs. women in this industry.
Once you get to know me, you’ll laugh that you asked me to be honest because I’m 100% forthright. I understand your concern, and I’m here to tell you that although women have an innate advantage in having clients trust them off that bat, there is no other advantage and certainly no reason why you can’t be just as successful as your female counterpart. Plenty of men are signed up for the upcoming course, and I’ve received 100% glowing positive reviews from the men who took it previously. Here is what they had to say…

Just DO IT! Highly Recommended! Amateur or Pro, you’re bound to find out more about your own prowess as a photographer and businessperson!
Scott W. Robinson

Worth every penny, definitely recommend, what a treasure trove of information!
John P. Dunnigan

This was the best money and time that I have ever spent on pursuing a passion. Regardless of previous experience and genre, if you are interested in shooting portraits, this is the most comprehensive workshop A to Z that you will find.
Herb Irvin

This is a great chance to get very personal with a pro.
Ole Vangsgaard 

I am in love with my work again. Christa’s workshop is an intoxicating mix of awesome experience and practical advice that beautifully fleshes out all the areas that have held us back. Now we can fly!
Christopher Medak.

Highly recommend. Christa’s energy & care for her students comes through. Really brilliant tips. I’ve taken a bunch of courses that explore various methods but her’s fit very well with the way I want to work.
John Cornicello 

***UPDATE: The Workshop is SOLD OUT***


Enter your email here for free photography tips and to get dibs on seats for the next Online Workshop.


Hotel Tryst + Podcast Interview

This band-groupie bad-girl Marilyn Monroe inspired shoot was so much fun. And even more so because it was with my good friend Claire, who loves dive bars, rockstars and black & white photographs. So here ya go love 🙂

Good news: I’ve got even more great tips in store for you! Recently, the brilliant husband/wife team Phil & Mindy Thornton interviewed me for their hugely popular podcast Shoot to Kill. We covered a lot of FAQ’s and some even deeper questions and issues:

How I got started in photography and in business.
My Top 5 Tips for getting started and the equipment I’d recommend.
3 easy steps to getting that first client.
Special advice for male photographers wanting to get into boudoir.
How I avoid cheesy stereotypes of boudoir and create fine art images. 
The 4 places I draw inspiration from.
Easy tips and tricks for making clients feel comfortable.
What’s my sales process from A to Z.
Best tips for boosting sales. 

So check out my podcast episode and enjoy – it’s very entertaining – and fair warning: it contains EXPLICIT language and nudity – yeah I know it’s audio only, but use your imagination 🙂

Cheers to that and hotel trysts!


Super Star + Soccer Mom

One of the coolest gifts I got this year? My awesome super-star Studio Manager, Ursula. She takes the best care of your needs and mine. She’s always there with a smile and a “yes M’am!” Gotta love her, and I do. When I found out she had signed up for a discount site’s boudoir session before I had hired her, I admit it – I freaked the heck out. Whaaaat on earth would you do that for? Lol! Well you all know we were going to fix that 🙂 Isn’t she gorgeous, sexy and too adorable? And can you believe she’s a Soccer Mom too?

…and then she gives you a look like this.

Yup, that’s her own pole she brought with her.

…and that’s a whole ‘nother blog post.

Just a quick reminder that the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP is nearly sold out! We’re kicking it off soon, so REGISTER NOW to catapult your business into high gear for 2012!

“Christa’s workshop is not-to-be-missed! It’s for those who want to be the BEST!”
Melissa Hart Dobs, Marvel, TX

Get all the JUICY INFO, read the REVIEWS, watch the SEXY TRAILER and SIGN-UP NOW!

Christmas in NYC!

Hope everyone is enjoying a very merry holiday and getting ready for a beautiful Christmas! Since moving to NY earlier this year, I’m so excited for my first NYC holiday! I have been getting my Christmas geek on early and doing all the awesome cheesy stuff that makes this season my favorite time of year! Whether bundled up outside to enjoy ice-skating, Rockefeller Center, the department store windows down 5th ave, and brisk walks in the park, or snuggled up with a cozy blanket, decadent hot chocolate, and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, we’re in full nerd mode here and loving every minute of it. I bought my first Christmas tree and decorated it with little lights and 4 lovely ornaments (hey, I’m a minimalist – it works 🙂 Gifts have been lovingly been wrapped and given. Here are just a few sights I’ve been enjoying around the city to share with you…

Somehow, Bergdorff Goodman makes EXCESS look elegant…

Kinda creepy if you ask me, but what’s with the bird theme…?

Rockefeller Center and Gucci…

Oooooh something pretty in the window at Tiffany & Co…

My mom arrives in town today to continue the festivities, and I know she has the Rockettes planned for our near future 🙂

And just a quick Christmas heads-up, in case you’re thinking of last minute gift ideas for a loved one or to gift yourself…

We are running out of seats for the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP, which starts soon on Jan 2nd! I am so happy with all the wonderful people we’ve got signed-up from all over the world! We are well-represented: Newbies and pro’s, women and men, Canon and Nikon 🙂

And here is some of the AWESOME FREE STUFF we’re giving away to select attendees during the workshop!

A copy of my book “EXPOSED: Redefining Boudoir” signed by me 🙂

A set of The Money Shots™ THE Shots that Sell!

A private one-one-one Coaching Call with me.

Your choice of RadLab, TRA1, TRA2 or Lightroom Presets from Totally Rad Actions.

$100 Gift Card from LensProToGo!

10×10 15-Spread Sequoia Album from Pictage.

20×30 NEW Acrylic Wall Art from Pictage.

20×20 NEW Bamboo Wall Art from Pictage.

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and hope to have your beautiful presence in my world very soon!

Lots of love and Christmas cheer,


ps. Here’s where you can sign-up to reserve a seat to the Online Boudoir Workshop and to get more info 🙂


Black + White

I love experimenting with light, shadow and lines. Nothing like deep black and white hot shapes…
This first one is my favorite – Damn girl! Just damn.

Playing with levels of exposure is fun because it radically changes the mood of a shot.

Experimenting keeps you playful and creative. Plus, it’s how you grow and develop a style. It’s got me falling in love with black and white all over again!

Lots more gorgeous photography experiments on the blog soon…

Happy almost Christmas!

xo Christa



***UPDATE: The Workshop is SOLD OUT.***

Enter your email here for free photography tips and to get dibs on seats for the next Online Workshop.

“Worth every penny. This is the workshop for those who want to stand out in the photography community.”
Allie Lindsey, Temecula, CA

Get all the JUICY INFO, read the REVIEWS, watch the SEXY TRAILER and SIGN-UP NOW!

Tuscan Showgirl!

I love silly. Silly is good. In fact, sexy and silly is my favorite killer combo. Ran across this shot from summertime in Italy and wanted to give you a little silliness on a winter Friday. This spontaneous little moment is courtesy of my hilarious good friend, Mrs. J, who I adore.

There will be lots of fun, hilarious moments and so much more as a part of the Online Boudoir Workshop! Participants will join me behind the scenes during video demo’s and watch me shoot models, clients, a curvy gal, and nudes…. how much fun is that! So sign up and grab a ringside seat to the action!

May you all have a little bit of sexy silly fun in your near future!


IMPORTANT NOTE: You have less than 24 hours to sign-up for the special rate! Price goes up at midnight tonight EST – so Register Now!


The Subtle Art of Courtesans, plus WPPI MasterClass!

So thrilled to have been invited to speak & teach at WPPI 2o12! My  MasterClass this year is a topic that I believe is essential and often overlooked in the boudoir industry. Sometimes we get so focused on building a business, that we forget the ART! What makes a photograph so sensual that you want to swim in it? Juicy topic right?! It’s a subtle difference and so well worth exploring! Seating is limited. You can register online for my class when registering for WPPI. If you’re already registered for the conference, you must sign-up for my class by calling 1.877.779.3127.  So please join me as we dive deep into:

The Subtle Line in Boudoir Photographs
WPPI MasterClass, Vegas – Feb 22nd 2:3opm

I will share the secrets to creating gorgeous images that are smoking hot, stand out and sell big! Learn the subtleties of what makes a photograph HOT or NOT as I compare my favorite shots with those that just missed the mark from my portfolio and others’. I will also reveal the Top 10 Mistakes Boudoir Photographers make and my complete bag of tricks on how to avoid them.

Inspired by art, subtlety and swanky lounges,


ps. The response to the new Online Boudoir Workshop is overwhelming! Seats have been selling like hotcakes. We are three quarters full, and you have only a couple days left to book your seat and save $100! Sale ends Fri, 12/16 at midnight, so Register Now.