Tag Archive: workshop

The Colors of Capri & Sorrento!

One of the wonderful things about traveling across Italy is all the different colors of each region. Tuscany is all sunshiny yellow, terracotta red, and cypress green. Whereas, Capri, Sorrento and the Amalfi coast have a plethora of gorgeous jewel tones to get lost in… from the colorful tiles, boats & buildings, to the yummy blue/green of the sea & sky and bright citrus colors of the lemon groves and orange trees… all of it delicious!

Yes, Hello!… Two beautiful views from high atop Capri. You have to ride a little lift to get to the top.

Carciufi (artichoke) was in high season when I visited. It’s my favorite dish to cook in Italy! ok, it’s the only dish I cook in Italy 🙂

Poodles and men in newsboy caps are abundant in Sorrento – both are great characters!

Limoni are everywhere along the Amalfi Coast! and there are so many delicious treats made with the local harvests: limoncello, lemon chocolate, lemonade… yummmm!

If you get a chance to visit Italy, make sure to stop on by the Amalfi coast and enjoy the local color and some limoncello.


x. Christa

Red Hot Mama

Monique, a mother of two, celebrated her birthday with a sultry-themed photo shoot as part of a sexy weekend getaway with her husband in NYC! Our boudoir shoot was like Carnivale in Venice and Burlesque in Paris all rolled into one tantalizing show!

Monique almost convinces you that she’s sweet towards the end here 🙂

Almost 🙂

After the shoot, we celebrated with Hot & Dirty Martini’s and oysters… a perfect finish to a raw and sensual day 🙂


x. Christa

oooh la la

Just a little sneak peek at the pin-up PEEP SHOW we have in store for you this weekend 🙂

Have a great night!

…and may it involve tassels!

x. Christa

Good Kitty Cat

It was just another day on set with a good little kitty cat. Most of the morning was spent feeding.
Awwww how cute. Until…

…this happend…

…and suddenly this little kitty becomes less kitty and more TIGER!…

…that’s okay, a good cub owner can quickly turn the tables and a “cat & mouse” game ensued…

…after a morning of feeding and fun & games, it was time to show our sexy stripes!…

MeeeeeOW! Awww, good kitties. Enormous thanks to Mr. David Yang for setting up this fab & fun shoot.

To check out embarrassing behind the scenes shots of me being silly with a tiger cub (like this one) and shots that didn’t make it to the blog, be a cool cat and LIKE my FACEBOOK Fan Page.

Thanks gorgeous,

x. Christa


Nude Photo Workshop & Retreat in Italy!

All NEW! For Women Only!
with Christa Meola

Florence, Italy | September 4th – 9th

I am SO FREAKING EXCITED to announce my ALL NEW ITALY WORKSHOP! I designed this event to be an empowering and sensual experience unlike any other! This is more of a RETREAT than a workshop. I can think of few things more fun than getting together a small group of super sexy soul sisters to enjoy a week-long all-inclusive female photo-fest in an Italian Villa. Space is very limited.

This is a unique event & one-of-a-kind learning opportunity! Sleep & eat in a beautiful historic 15th century villa with me as you complete a stunning portfolio, work with fashion models & nude figure models, create beautiful photographs, explore Italy, and eat up & drink in all that LA DOLCE VITA has to offer!

Be inspired by the art, history and beauty of Florence, as we explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Tuscan countryside and the villa’s expansive estate.

Each day will include shoots and focus on a different aspect of photographing women and building a successful business.

You will receive personal coaching from Christa while you shoot and be granted use of all images for your blog and portfolio. Christa will share in-depth info on how to work beautifully with natural light, the art of coaching & posing models, creating high-end sets & styling, creating amazing relationships with clients, pricing, post production, branding & more. Film and Digital photographers of all levels are welcome.

Room and board are included. You will be Christa’s guest at a beautiful historic private villa and enjoy authentic Italian meals and dinners on the town. Think divine combinations: Italian cheeses & antipasto, Butter & Sage Ravioli, pizza & wine, fruit & espresso, chocolate &… well chocolate!

Lastly, can you handle even more sensual awesomeness headed your way?!

As Christa’s gift to each woman…





“Worth every penny. This is the workshop for those who want to stand out in the photography community.”
Allie Lindsey, Temecula, CA

“Best workshop I’ve ever taken!!!! Anyone who asks me I tell them it’s SO worth it! Sign up!”
Shani Barel

“It’s the 1st workshop I walked away from saying how wonderful it was & that it was worth every single penny.”
Stephanie Piscitelli, Bridgewater, MA

“Christa’s workshop blew me away!… an amazing experience!”
Rita Spevak, Chicago, IL

“I had my highest portrait sale ever of $4,700 thanks to Christa!”
Lisa Roah, Orange County, CA

“Best money I’ve ever spent on my business. Period. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
Erin Nelson, San Francisco, CA

“I more than doubled my income! Attending Christa’s workshop changed my life.”
Robin Hultgren, Walnut Creek, CA

“EPIC!!!! I have a new outlook.”
Melissa Lin Huddlston-Smith, Moreno Valley, CA

“I have been on fire since the workshop! It kicked my creativity and inspiration into overdrive!”
Jill Amanda, Santa Barbara, CA









Soccer Moms are Sexy!

Soccer moms have got it going on. These women amaze me with how they get it all done, and I love that I spend each day empowering this group even further by celebrating who they are.

Plus, I LOVE LOVE LOVE sending them home to their husbands confident, happy, seriously sexy, totally playful and on fire! Men, you can thank me via email 🙂 or if you haven’t yet, call me up to book a shoot for your woman. Then get ready to have your world rocked.

Mrs. K is a 38 yr old mother of two, wears a size 10/12 and has typical insecurities we can all relate to. She went waaay outside her comfort zone, had a total blast, and rocked this shoot out!

Kicking back, enjoying some wine, and having a really good time is so.damn.sexy.

Classic. Black & White. Gorgeous!

If you are one of the 100 photographers currently kicking butt in my new ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP, then you will get to see the behind-the-scenes video of this shoot. For those that were locked out due to seats being sold out, you can sign up to get dibs on seats for the next one!

A huge heaping thank you to Mrs. K for being so generous and granting me permission to show how we captured your sultry, silly, beautiful self 🙂

So honored to be of service to the soccer moms!

x. Christa

FAQs, Freebies and 10 Spots Left!

Hello Boudoir Bad-Asses! Wanted to give you a quick heads-up that we have only TEN SEATS LEFT for the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP, which starts tomorrow! I am THRILLED with all the wonderful people we’ve got signed-up from all over the world! We are well-represented: Newbies and pro’s, women and men, Canon and Nikon 🙂

I wanted to tell you about all the AWESOME FREE STUFF we’re giving away during the workshop!

This is what ALL attendees who sign-up are receiving:

Free 2-month membership to Pictage

My exclusively designed “Perfect Boudoir Sample Kit” from Pictage when you sign up for extended membership at 60% off, which includes:

+One hour free retouching services!

+Free album design!

+Free 10×10 20-page press-printed album!

+The supah sexy little black box of Ten 5×5 Art Prints

$50 Gift Card from Simply Color Lab!

30% off print & bind with Leathercraftsmen!

15% off all gear rentals from LensProToGo yo!

And here are some of the goodies we will be giving out through-out the course:

A copy of my book “EXPOSED: Redefining Boudoir” signed by me 🙂

Two $100 Gift Cards from Adorama!

$100 Gift Card from LensProToGo!

Super Mini-Album Sample Kit: set of 4 smoking hot accordion books from Simply Color Lab valued at $100+

And more being added every week!

And just to answer any last-minute Qs, here are the Top 3 FAQs about the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP! beginning Tuesday June 14 – tomorrow!

1. I have something scheduled during a few dates this summer. Do I have to be available at certain times, and will I miss anything?
You won’t miss a thing! I built this boudoir workshop for busy bees like me, and so the content is available 24/7 baby! Plus all the juicy content will be online and available to you for 8 weeks! Plenty of time for you to watch/listen/learn at your convenience! How cool is that.

2. I have no experience. I’m a total newbie. Is this the right course for me?

Hell yeah!! Talk about perfect timing! This course will short cut your learning curve and get you started with smart habits and powerful tips in a super fun way that will set you up for success with my very simple, totally easy, and budget-friendly approach! Sign-up, and you will thank yourself!

3. I’m already a pro. Is this too basic for me?
Awesome! well let me ask you: are your sales where you want them to be right now? are you creatively juiced and completely inspired? do you want to spend less time in post? do you have raving fan clients that spread the word about you like wild fire? are you having FUN with your business? if you can’t answer a whole-hearted HELL YES! to any of these q’s, then sign up baby! We’re going to bring your creativity and success to the next level!

Once again, there are only 10 SPOTS LEFT! Grab your’s now!

Update: The Workshop is SOLD OUT.

“Best money I’ve ever spent on my business. Period. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
Erin Nelson, San Francisco, CA

Get all the JUICY INFO, read the REVIEWS, watch the SEXY TRAILER and SIGN-UP NOW!



“Worth every penny. This is the workshop for those who want to stand out in the photography community.”
Allie Lindsey, Temecula, CA

Get all the JUICY INFO, read the REVIEWS, watch the SEXY TRAILER and SIGN-UP NOW!

Directing Models without Posing

People look their best when they are genuinely happy and having a good time. It’s essential that nerves, tension, and self- consciousness take a back seat on a shoot. This will allow freer movement and relaxed expressions, so you can capture the essence of who that person is in a beautiful carefree way. I like to accomplish this by focusing on fun during a shoot and by coaching actions.

When you’re coaching a model to perform certain actions, a few things happen. First, she transfers her focus on performing the action instead of trying to pose and look good. Second, you create some natural movement to capture instead of stiff static poses. Third, you begin to exhaust her nervous tension by keeping her in motion and repeating the action. This keeps her engaged, can revive expression and is one of my tricks to create emotion.

When I ask a girl to repeat an action over and over again it gives me multiple opportunities to capture something gorgeous, and it’s my secret ploy to annihilate her nervous energy. It’s hard to be tense when you’re exhausted!

Take the performance pressure off of her, and give her a quick demonstration. With my camera in hand, I will quickly just demo the action I’m asking her to do. I go way overboard with it, so she doesn’t feel silly doing it because I just looked so silly a second ago and who cared right?

The first thing a non-model will ask when she steps in front of the camera is, “Where do I look?” I give her my three favorite eye-lines right off the bat. One, look at the light source. Two, look down your body. Three, look at me. I tell her to just move between the first two, and I’ll ask her for the third, since it’s my least favorite. Eyes closed technically isn’t an eye-line, but I often ask for that one too.

I demonstrate what I call extreme posture to most of my models right up front. I want them to see that when I stand simply with normal everyday posture, it’s a bit… well, unremarkable. But when I reeeeally stretch and pull my hips and shoulders out and arch my back like I never thought I could and lift my neck up and out, then it’s suddenly a lot more flattering and significantly more dramatic. Try it yourself in the mirror – huge difference. So I often will coach her with “…more extreeeeme, keep going, keep going, more…” until she falls over and laughs (another great shot).

Some people are visual creatures and respond better to seeing the posture or action you are trying to coach. They feel safe duplicating something, and then you can coach them along to put your own spin on it. Lookbooks are also great if you run out of ideas or you are shy and don’t really want to coach, or you’re male and you’d just rather not demo a hair flip.

If you’d like to learn all of my boudoir photography tips and tricks, head on over to the brand-spanking new ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP site, and join the awesome group of photographers already signed up for this fun-filled info-packed success-focused course starting this Tuesday, June 14th!

So excited!!

x. Christa

ps. can you handle more cool free stuff and special deals? I am wheeling and dealing with each of my Sponsors & Vendors to give every single attendee joining the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP the sweetest swag! I’m so psyched with what they are offering you guys!! So head on over to the new website to register and lay claim on your spot and the goods! I’m just sayin 🙂

Sneak Peek Trailer!

So freaking excited to show you this fun little sexy sneak peek at what’s in store for all of you signing up for the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP!



Do you want to change your life, live your dream of photographing women, make more money, and have a fulfilling career empowering females? Then sign up!

“It’s the first workshop I walked away from saying how wonderful it was and how it was worth every single penny.” Stephanie Piscitelli, Bridgewater, MA

“EPIC!!!! I have a new outlook.” Melissa Lin Huddlston-Smith, Moreno Valley, CA

“Worth every penny. This is the workshop for those who want to stand out in the photography community.” Allie Lindsey, Temecula, CA

“Christa’s workshop just blew me away!… an amazing experience!” Rita Spevak, Chicago, IL

“Had the most amazing time & learned so much my head is still spinning.” Allison Smoley, Temecula, CA

..and more COOL RESOURCES for you:
Yesterday’s Live Q+A Call yesterday was such a freakin’ blast!! I didn’t expect the huge turnout and demand (silly me), so I’ll definitely do another one soon! Thanks so much to the hundreds of  people that tuned in and submitted 80+ questions! If you’d like to receive a recording of the Q&A call & get early notification of the next one, make sure you’re on my mailing list (you can submit your email in the field to the right, plus you get my awesome Pro Photographer Manifesto for free 🙂

Lots of love & nudity,

x. Christa


Street Tough + Supah Sexy!

I just wrapped three days of back to back shoots and intensive workshops – whew! and it got me thinking that there is no sweeter, more powerful, more feminine, and seductive combination than Strength plus Vulnerability. Now that to me is supah sexy!

A female boxing enthusiast and budding model, Lissarette has this knock-out killer combo down cold. This is another smoking hot set of photographs taken for your viewing and educational pleasure for the ONLINE BOUDOIR WORKSHOP. For this particular set, I showed how different lenses (the 24-70m 2.8, 50m 1.2, 50m 1.4, 85m 1.2, and 85m 1.8) photograph the same subject at different ranges and which is best for each situation!

So if you want to catch that action, sign up to go behind the scenes of this shoot and watch footage of me photographing Lissarette…

Cool news:

I am hosting a FREE Q+A LIVE CALL tomorrow, WEDNESDAY JUNE  8th,  3PM-4PM EST.

I know you’ve got burning questions…

“What do you think I should charge for a session?”
“What advice do you have for male photographers who’d like to shoot boudoir?”
“How do I flatter plus-sized clients?”
“How do I get that first paying client?”
“What’s equipment do you recommend for someone just getting started?”
“Do I need a studio?”
“Should I sell the digital images?”
“People like my photos, but I’m just not selling much – what gives?”
“Your pictures look so emotional and natural – how do you do that?”
“What vendors do you use and what are your favorite products?”
“How much do you do in photoshop?”
…and so much more!

What’s your burning Q?
Enter your email below if you’re not already on my mailing list, and I’ll send you the simple instructions for how to join the live call and ask your burning hot questions!

See ya on the call!

x. Christa

Enter your email here for the call-in details!

Last chance!

WIN A FREE SEAT to my Online Boudoir Workshop!

You have til 12midnight EST tonight…

Winner will be announced on tomorrow, Monday June 6th 9am EST.

Good Luck!

x. Christa

ps. Spots are booking up fast, and we are now over three quarters filled up!! If you’ve already registered (smart move!) and win, then your fee will be refunded 🙂 So Register Now before we are sold out!